Instant thumbnail preview: If you want to preview thumbnails immediately, set the value to 1.
Now, you can edit the value of this new record like this:. Name this new DWORD value with ExtendedUIHoverTime:. There, right-click on the Advanced folder and in the menu select the option New > Value > DWORD (32-bit):. Once in the Registry Editor, navigate to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. On the white box, type the command regedit and press Enter. Open the Run window using the key combination: Win + R. I recommend you to backup your system before proceeding with these steps. To disable this feature, you will need to use the Registry Editor. How to Disable Taskbar Thumbnail Previews So, let’s see how to disable this feature on Windows 10. This is useful if you want to see in real-time what task you are running, but it can be annoying at times if you pass the cursor and automatically all the previews are active. Hover the mouse cursor over it, and you will have a view of each of the apps active on Windows 10. In Windows 10 you can see what you are working or playing, thanks to the taskbar thumbnail preview.